ANIMAL STORY - Little Blue Whale
Sam is a little blue whale. He loves to swim around to find his favourite krill and fish in the ocean. Sometimes he would get close to the surface of water to play around and spray a huge column of water with the blowhole on his head. The jet of water would even create a beautiful rainbow if it is a clear sunny day.
珍奇動物「藍鯨」材料包 Exotic Animal "Blue Whale" Whittling Material Pack
SKU: CK003
- Wood Block 木料 [L105mm] x 1 (Basswood 椴木)
- Sandpaper 砂紙 [#120] x 1
- Sandpaper 砂紙 [#240] x 1
- Brush 油掃 x 2
- Acrylic 顏料 x 1
- Palette Paper 調色紙. x 1
- Band-Aid 膠布 x 1 (以防萬一 JUST IN CASE)
- Instruction Manual 教學說明 x 1
- Online Tutorial 網上教學 x 1
Carving tools are not included, we suggest you purchase the tools as below 此材料包不含工具,我們建議添購以下工具:
Exotic Animal Tool Set
- Whittling Knife 橫手刀
- V-Gouge 三角刀
- Bench Hook 推板
Purchase Here 購買連結:Exotic Animal Tool Set